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Chinese aluminum and copper aluminum cable low potential

Source: XinYa Wire & Cable (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd.Popularity: 1145Time: 2016-09-20SML

Recently, foreign well-known market research firm Research and Markets released "2015-2020 Chinese aluminum cable market analysis report."

The report notes that in 2014, Chinese aluminum cable market value of nearly 13 million yuan, while aluminum and copper is far lower than the world level. So far, the United States aluminum and aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloy of copper was 70% -75%, Japan 55% rate of aluminum and copper, aluminum and copper while China was only 3% -5%.

In the global marketplace, aluminum cable transmission lines is a common product. With China's new energy is becoming increasingly popular range of applications aluminum will become more and more widespread.

This report analyzes the current situation and the challenges facing the aluminum cable market in China to further open the market potential and business opportunities.