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In the process of analysis and treatment of abnormal pull

Source: xinyaPopularity: 1200Time: 2016-12-20SML

A, break

Joint is not in prison------------------------------------------------- improve welding quality

Wire impurity--------------------------------to strengthen the acceptance of raw materials

Unreasonable distribution model------------------------------------------- mold adjustment

Die hole shape is not correct or not smooth------------------------------------- repair mode

Drum line--------------------------------------------------------Adjust drum winding number

Bad lubrication-------------------------------------------------- check the lubrication system


B, size and shape incorrect

Die hole wear----------------------------------------------------------------- replace the mold

Fine wire------------------------------------ adjust the mold, improve the lubrication effect

Wrong die---------------------------------------------------------------------- replace the mold

Die skew--------------------------------------- die put attention, maintenance of die holder


C, scratches, bumps and scratches

A jumping phenomenon on cone drum----------------------------- drum surface finishing

Grooved drum------------------------------------------------- remove drum polishing repair

Wire disk collide with each other------------- wire disk to "T" word placed, transport to be separated from each other

The line is over.------------------------------------------------According to the regulations,.


D, skin, hemp pit, triangular mouth, burr

Bad lubrication --------------------------------------------- improves the lubrication effect

The drum is not smooth ------ polishing drum surface, adjusting the distribution mode


E, corrugated, serpentine

Improper matching mode------------------------------------- adjust the distribution model

Serious vibration of wire drawing machi----Maintenance and strengthening equipment

Wire jitter---------------------------adjust the tension, the wire speed to maintain stability

Hole shape is not suitable.----- diameter zone length to be appropriate, not too short, not even


F, wire with continuous scratches

Wire wound---Each part of check and wire contact, such as the guide wheel, wire bar

Lubricating fluid temperature is too high--------------------------------- enhanced cooling

Lubricant containing high alkali------ regularly test and maintain lubricant ingredients to ensure cleanliness.

Die hole not smooth, defective----- to strengthen the mold repair and management, unqualified die not on the machine

Die hole lubrication area is blocked---- lubricating fluid filtration to eliminate impurities in the lubricant.


G, oxidation, water stains, oil pollution

High temperature lubricating fluid ------------------------------------------ensure enough supply of lubricating fluid, strengthen lubricating liquid cooling

Lubricating liquid splash ------------------------------------------------ product line at the outlet of the felt eraser line

The storage sites not clean ------------------------------------------ adhere to 7S management, ensure the cleanliness of the working area


H, cable, partial, full of chaos, tight and loose

Improper adjustment of cable---- according to the take-up reel width and position adjustment cable cable specifications

The take-up tension adjustment of wire tension and improper ---------- take-up speed

The winding mechanism failure -------------- careful observation, timely elimination

The take-up wheel is not regular ------------------ selection of qualified reel machine

Line over ------------------------- strengthen monitoring


I, performance is not qualified

The tensile strength, elongation, bending mechanical properties such as unqualified, unqualified raw materials, selection of qualified raw materials, control the process of drawing the temperature conditions, the resistivity is unqualified, unqualified raw materials, followed by improper annealing process